Careers at Lord’s School
At Lord’s our aim is to help all students to achieve their full potential as we believe that every person has their own unique talent, so In line with the Gatsby Benchmarks (detailed below) our careers advice and guidance, within school and with Progress Careers, is designed to help pupils develop the skills and knowledge they need to make informed, educated and successful choices. Wherever an individual’s talents or interests lie we endeavour to nurture every student so that they can follow their dreams and maximise their potential as they progress through their lives.
Gatsby Benchmarks
The impact of our careers provision on students is measured by monitoring and evaluating the quality of our activities and how we deliver them. We welcome and value feedback from students, parents, staff, previous students and our external providers and we analyse the destinations of our students.
Students from Years 7 – 11 will complete the Skills and Careers activities which take students through the stages of career planning from year 7 onwards together with additional activities within school. All years will also work through what each studied subject will qualify them for so that they are fully informed in time for making GCSE choices.
Any provider wishing to discuss possible ways they can support our students with their careers education are most welcome to contact school on 01204 523731. This can include supporting our events in school such as Mock interviews, talks and Careers Fairs or in the workplace. Any offers of Work Experience and Workplace visits to inform students of local opportunities would also be very welcome.
In Year 10 and 11 face to face interviews will be arranged with Progress Careers to ensure that every pupil has as much information as possible at their disposal as they take the next steps in their careers.
Year 7, 8 and 9 will also have interviews with Progress careers to assist them to make all important decisions relevant at the ages.
Careers Links
Army Careers
Barclays Life Skills
BBC Bitesize Helps you explore next steps and decide which qualifications you need. How to write a cv, application letter and interview tips amongst other skills.
Career Pilot Another site to help with all the essentials of starting your career
How to become Further help with daunting tasks as you apply.
Careers in Sports
Career quiz Helps match your interest and strengths to a career
Skillsometer Again match yourself to a career
I could Tips on subject choices etc at GCSE
My Career springboard Lots of advice
Prospects another match yourself to a career aid.
The Russell Group university information
Look for a job
National Careers Service
First Careers