Lord’s attempts to maintain a diverse staff across a wide range of subjects and all our staff are trained in dealing with Autism and Dyslexia.

Our full list of members of Staff (as of February 2022) is:

Mrs Anne Ainsworth


Qualifications: BA, PGCE, Dip. Educ. Psyc.

Subjects: Mathematics, History, English Lang & Lit, Head of Senco

Contact: info@lordsschool.co.uk

Phone: 01204 523731

Mr. Z Ghanchi

Head Teacher

Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Biology / Physics Enhancement

Subjects: KS4 Science, KS4 Biology, KS4 Physics

Mr. M Attan

Deputy Head Teacher

Business Studies Teacher

Qualifications: QTS

Subjects: Business, Economics

Mr T Ainsworth

ICT Consultant

Mr. Flensted

Head of Maths

Qualifications: BTECH Architecture, PGCE, PGDE, QTS, Diploma in Psychology of education

Subjects: KS3 & KS4 Maths, KS2 & KS3 Science,

Mrs L Tomkinson

Head of English / History / RE

Qualifications: B.A. (Hons) PGCE

Subjects: English Lang & Lit / History & RE

Mrs. S Hussain

Head of Prep

Qualifications: B.A. (Hons)

Subjects: KS3 Mathematics, KS2 Classes

Mr. A Haslam

Head of Art

Qualifications: B.A. (Hons) – HND

Subjects: Art / Visual Art / Graphics

Mr. K Warman

ICT Teacher

Qualifications: BSc Game Design, PGCE (Hons)

Subjects: KS3 & KS4 ICT